Wednesday 11 July 2012

To Facebook Your Mobile Phone Has a Name.

I was on Facebook today and perhaps came across something very strange, at first I thought it was just a joke, but I noticed that a ton of people left comments on this particular post so I figured I would give it a try myself, I did of course.
What if random numbers actually meant something? What if your friends could be identified by numbers instead of names? Okay, I’m pretty positive that nobody would like that, but perhaps on Facebook numbers really do mean something, whether they be random, odd or just a little strange?
If you’re still a bit confused keep on reading because something that looks like this @[684:0] may actually be Amy Schoenfeld. As odd as that may seem, let’s take a look:
While on Facebook today I came across a “Top Post” that read the following:
Hey guys check this out! Did you know your CELL PHONE has a name? Try this: 1st step: from your mobile number, take the last 3 numbers. Example- 780-496-9684 , take “684″ only 2nd step: Write this @*[684:0] in the comment box below, replacing the 3 numbers with your own. … 3rd step: remove the * sign and press enter in the comment box!!
Now first off you don’t have to have a mobile phone to do this trick, you can post a status or even leave a comment on one of your friends post to try it. The trick behind this is an old method Facebook used for “tagging” people. In fact you can tag yourself if you go to your Facebook profile and use the ID there so you would essentially get: @[XXXXXXXX:0] or however long your profile ID is. For example number 4 or @[4:0] is Mark Zuckerberg the creator of Facebook and @[5:0] is Chris Hughes the co-founder of Facebook, you can use low numbers to determine some of the very first people to ever create a Facebook account! Mind blowing right?

Try This:

The key or methodology behind this trick is that your mobile number has a name, in reality you could plug-in any numbers and it would generate a name, address.. etc..
I also tried changing the values and adding more digits to @*[684:0] – be sure to remove the * then you can generate the post.
  1. From your computer or mobile device post a status or leave a comment on any post.
  2. Use the following format: @[xxx:0] you can add 3 numbers or more.
  3. Simply post and watch the crazy random names Facebook generates.
They say you learn something new everyday, I thought this was pretty interesting and decided to share it! Enjoy!

Try It Yourself Here:

Leave a comment below to see it work in action:
  • You can use any numbers, just use this format @*[684:0]
  • Don’t forget to remove the * so in reality it will look like: @[684:0]
  • After posting it should convert to a name!

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